Celebrating Good News: Why We Say What We Say

Something I find myself saying on an almost daily basis is to “celebrate this news in a way that feels right to you.”
I want to take a moment to unpack this statement a little bit. Infertility is tough, really tough. Everyone copes with this difficulty in their own way and many find themselves not wanting to get their hopes up for fear of disappointment. This is, of course normal (btw, you don’t have to be ‘optimistic’ for it to work) and cautious optimism can be a great way to support your mental health. However, when good news does finally come, whether it is finally having enough follicles for a retrieval, a lining thick enough for transfer, finding the right medication dosage that seems to support a healthy cycle, or even finally getting news you are pregnant, we think it is so important to honor that moment.
You worked hard and went though so much to get to this moment and you deserve a small moment of celebration! We encourage couples to take some time and celebrate. This celebration can look different for different families and situations. You may have just found out you were pregnant, but have a history of loss that might make your celebratory moment look a bit different that someone without that history, and that is ok! A simple hug and expressing hope to your partner or a friend can be enough. Maybe you go have your favorite meal or get a bouquet of flowers. It doesn’t have to be much, but honor how far you’ve come in a way that also honors how far you might still have to go.
You will get there, remember to love yourself along the way!
-Sarah Prater, L.Ac. Tennessee Center For Reproductive Acupuncture